Tuesday, December 15, 2009 Posted by purple lover  

At 33 weeks your baby’s immune system is getting stronger. When they’re born in a month or so, about two-thirds of their immune system is developed. Your baby’s skin is getting thicker and much less wrinkled too. They now weigh about 4lb 2oz and are around 44cm long, (although there can be a wide variation in the size and weight of pre-term babies).As a heavily pregnant mum-to-be, you need a lot of energy for a growing baby and a physically active lifestyle. But now your stomach is small (your baby has taken up much of the space it used to have), if you can’t eat much, health snacks will help bridge the gap between each meal so you have a steady supply of energy during the rest of your pregnancy.

Minggu nih dah 33 minggu. Baby sangat aktif, kadang2 rasa mcm tak berenti dia bergerak. Badan pun dah terasa berat sangat. Walaupun kaki tak bengkak, tapi terasa tegang urat kat betis. Kalau malam, mesti cramp. Thanx to mr hubby yg tak kisah tiap2 malam kena kejut sebab kaki cramp
My darling hannah pun tak lasak sangat, maybe dia tahu tak lama lagi je nak jadi kakak. Hari-hari bangun je tido mesti sebut "adik " ... "adik" . Barang2 semua dh siap, tinggal nak physically & mentally je la belum 100% siap - walaupun 2nd time, berdebar2 rasanya sama mcm bersalin anak sulung.


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